Hello, I’m Ainsley.
Mega sculptor from Woodstock.
Ainsley Orlando Morris was born in the poor, but happy community of Williamsfield, St. Catherine, Jamaica, in 1989. Ainsley was born to a teen mom, Jeridene A. Francis, and his father, a farm worker who emigrated to the U.S. when Ainsley was a child.
As a child, Ainsley was forced to take care of his younger siblings and his grandmother. Ainsley quickly gravitated towards art as an escape from the difficulties of everyday life. In high school, Ainsley studied are for five years. As art was his favorite subject, he would sometimes skip other classes to work on his art projects.
At 18, Ainsley moved to the U.S. in hopes of having a relationship with his father. Instead, he found himself alone in a new country. Ainsley pushed through the hurt and disappointment and landed a job at a machine shop. This new job gave him profound joy, as it was reminiscent of his childhood in Jamaica, learning to make anything useful.
After many years, Ainsley made his way up to Engineer in the sheet metal department, manufacturing parts for planes, trains, medical equipment, etc. This kept his creativity alive. After having his first child, Mila Morris, Ainsley began to ponder the future. This brought him back to his past love of art.
Rediscovering the love and therapy that art brings, Ainsley Orlando Morris stumbled upon the portal to his passion from the past. After moving from Jamaica to the States, Ainsley came to rely on his mental strength, that he acquired from a young age, after being separated from his family, loved ones, and friends.
Working with various metals, Ainsley has now adopted it as his favorite media to work with. His desire to create mega sculptures brings a sense of serenity and happiness to his life.
Please do say hello and check out my best work.